Dr Mojtaba Shahin,(Assistant Professor) in Software Engineering, RMIT University
Dr Peng Liang,Professor in Software Engineering,School of Computer Science, Wuhan University
Dr Valentina Lenarduzzi,Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) - University of Oulu (M3S); Docent LUT University
Dr Amir Mosavi,scientist - Dresden University of Technology, Obuda University
Dr Shahab Shamshirband, Associate Professor of Computer Science, NYUST (Taiwan)
Dr Mohammad Ghasemi Gol,Assistant Professor, University of Birjand
Dr Taghi Javdani Gandomani, Assistant Professor, Shahrekord University
Dr roohallah alizadehsani, Research Fellow, IISRI, Deakin University,Australia
Mr Javad Hassannataj Joloudari, Researcher of Artificial Intelligence, University of Birjand
Have you ever heard of the Erdos number?
It's a fun way to measure the collaboration and connection between mathematicians. The idea is simple: if you've written a paper with someone who has an Erdos number of 1, then your Erdos number is 2.
If you've written a paper with someone who has an Erdos number of 2, your Erdos number is 3, and so on.

My Erdős number
I'm excited to share that my Erdos number is 4 😍 Check from this Link .
It's not the smallest Erdos number out there, but it's still pretty cool to know that I'm just 4 degrees of separation away from one of the greatest mathematicians of the 20th century. For those who don't know, Paul Erdos was a prolific mathematician who wrote more than 1,500 papers and collaborated with hundreds of other mathematicians during his lifetime.
Being connected to such an influential mathematician is a great honor, and it makes me proud of all the collaborations I've had so far in my own career. Whether it's in research, academia, or industry, I believe that working together is the best way to achieve great things. So let's keep collaborating and pursuing our passions, and who knows - maybe one day we'll all have an Erdos number to brag about.