The publications on this website have appeared in journals or conference records published by the IEEE or other organizations.
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Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by the copyright holders. All persons accessing this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each case's copyright.
Papers related to Software Engineering
Gandomani, Taghi Javdani, Amir Mashmool, Maedeh Dashti, Samiyeh Khosravi, Mona Najafi Sarpiri, Mahsa Radnejad, Mahnaz Afshari, and Shahin Mansouri. "Talent management in agile software development: The state of the art." In 2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology (EIConCIT), pp. 156-160. IEEE, 2021.
A. Mashmool, S. Khosravi, J. H. Joloudari, I. Inayat, T. J. Gandomani and A. Mosavi. "A Statistical Model to Assess the Team’s Productivity in Agile Software Teams," 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference and Workshop Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE), 2021, pp. 11-18, doi: 10.1109/CANDO-EPE54223.2021.9667902.
- Ali, Rezaei Nasab, Shahin Mojtaba, Hoseyni Raviz Seyed Ali, Liang Peng, Mashmool Amir, and Lenarduzzi Valentina "An empirical study of security practices for microservices systems"Journal of Systems and Software, 111563..
Papers related to AI and Application of AI
Joloudari, Javad Hassannataj, Mojtaba Haderbadi, Amir Mashmool, Mohammad GhasemiGol, Shahab S. Band, and Amir Mosavi. "Early detection of the advanced persistent threat attack using performance analysis of deep learning." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 186125-186137
- Habibi, Hossein, Abbas Rasoolzadegan, Amir Mashmool, Shahab S. Band, Anthony Theodore Chronopoulos, and Amir Mosavi. "SaaSRec+: a new context-aware recommendation method for SaaS services." Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 19, no. 2 (2022): 1471-1495.
- Joloudari, Javad Hassannataj, Sanaz Mojrian, Issa Nodehi, Amir Mashmool, Zeynab Kiani Zadegan, Sahar Khanjani Shirkharkolaie, Tahereh Tamadon et al. "Application of artificial intelligence techniques for automated detection of myocardial infarction: a review" arXiv preprint arXiv:2107.06179 (2021).